Chana Masala, chick peas in tomato gravy with spices, was one of my Indian favorites. That was until I saw it in reverse... We managed a little over 2 weeks in India before we got sick, ironically after the most expensive meal we've had here so far. This was the first night we had arrived in Agra (15th) and our initial plan was to get up in time to see The Taj Mahal at sun rise. When you can't even really think about getting out of bed you certainly don't fancy the thought of waiting in line and pay money to walk around. When we reached our check out time at noon we asked our driver to take us to another hotel so we could relax for the rest of the day. Our over night train to Varanasi was leaving that evening so we needed all the rest we could get. Come evening time, Åslaug was feeling better but had a fever and Sanna was still sick. Our final conclusion was that we were in no condition to deal with the Indian rail system for the first time, at least not an over night train. We spendt the night at the hotel and came back to Delhi today with our driver.
The best veiw I got of Taj Mahal was from our hotel's roof top, standing on a chair. It sure didn't give me "eights wonder of the world" feelings, but at least I didn't spend 2 nights in Agra without seeing the Taj Mahal!!
Synd at dere ble sjuke, men slik må en vel forvente.
SvarSlettHåper at dere ikke får med dere "puket" som henger i lenge. God tur og lykke til i Japan!
Good to hear you're better! Tusen takk for postkort forresten :D Jeg vil også dra på kamelsafari, og jeg blir gjerne med neste gang du reiser til India Åslaug :D
SvarSlettAwesome, vi har en turdeal! :D Bra postkortet kom fram. Jeg ble faktisk syk igjen på flyturen til Kuala Lumpur, mest slitsomme reisa ever.. Heldigvis var det lite folk på neste fly over til Japan så jeg kunne legge meg flat og synes synd på meg selv.. Kom fram klokka 7 i dag tidlig, ganske slitne så har bare sovet og gått litt rundt og titta. Det er kaldt her!! Frostrøyk og greier. Uvant plutselig!
SvarSlettEr veldig spent på fortsettelsen! God bedring, kjære du! Hilsen mor