lørdag 12. februar 2011


Walking around in Jophur we passed the S.T.D, Hotel.. Chosing NOT to spend the night there, we had to ask our driver what it meant. Apparently it has something to do with international calls, the signs advertising it are everywhere. Oh, the small amusements.

Broken english, spoken perfectly. We've come over quite a few spelling mistakes and words here that make us double up laughing, sometimes we explain to the people around us and sometimes it's better not to.. Enjoy some examples:

Here we are enjoying Banana f(r)itter..

4 kommentarer:

  1. Haha, huff. Jeg hadde nok også valgt et annet hotell, altså. Turen er ikke helt den samme uten litt språklig (og i dette tilfellet: seksuell) forvirring!

  2. Denne kommentaren har blitt fjernet av forfatteren.

  3. Åh, friterte bananer er jo så godt! Heldiggriser!

  4. heeey girls!
    it was so nice to meet you, shame we didnt have dinner in the end (for the second time :) )
    hope your party was great!!
    will read your stories, have an inspiring, adventurous trip.
    Rose xx
