Ok. so, first confessions from me! Overwhelmed barely covers it. I fell asleep in a very much moving car with cars and rickshaws and bikers and people everywere honking, and screaming and yelling, that's how tired i got from all the impressions i got! Yesterday we met Rauj (pronounced Rajo) and we met him again today. We wanted to go to the only touristoffice we could find online, and he took us. Yesterday we went to two diffrent offices and unexpectedly got an offer on a tour in Rajastan. It seemed very much too good to be true. what they suggested and edvised us to fo was to go on a tour with our very own personal driver in Rajastan. Our own personal driver and guide who would go when we wanted and wait for us and pretty much just follow out pace! We were very sceptic (and with reason i think) so we wanted to wait till the next day, we went to another tourist office, supposidly an official one, that offered us the same. And after various moment of desperation and uncertainty we went to the official one listed on the internet and we've paid about 5600 NOK (ca 40 000 rupees) for 17 nights of accomodation, privat driver and guide for 13 days, overnight camelsafari, elefantride, train ticket from agra to Varanasi and from Varanasi to Delhi again. We think we got a good deal, and the tourist man was very nice, funny and persuasive. (They're all really persuasive!)
So, during these to days we've been alone for ca 3 hours when we were dropped off at Old Delhi by our driver DP and picket up again (during witch time we were guide for one and a half a hours with a bike rickshaw guy. We met Rauj ca 10 min after we came up from the metro yesterday, 40 meters after we were shown somewhere by the frist guy who "picked us up" at the metro entrance. So we've hung out with Rauj during the days and some other backpackers during the night (we had late supper with to other norwegians actually this night). And now to the unexpectedly set plans for the rest of our India-stay:
Mandwa - Bikaner - Jaisalmer -Jodhpur - Udaipur - Pushkar - Jaipur - Agra - Varanasi - Delhi.
The only things set are train tickets from Agra to Varanasi the 16th and back to Delhi the 19th of February! How the rest of it goes we'll let you all know later!
Good night (its 01.50 local time here and leave at 8 tomorow so.. good night, and luck!

Rauj! Indian friends with VERY good karma!
I can't imagine how different, noisy and colourful Dehli must be! New friends is always fun. Your deal sounds good to me! So much to look forward to!
SvarSlettVi har akkurat vært i Mandawa, Asgeir og jeg! Oppdaget at det ligger inne 360 graders visning fra byens castle. Spennende! Gleder oss til turen videre... Gunhild
SvarSlettOi, oi, oi så spennende sier nå jeg! Pass godt på dere selv kjære jenter.
SvarSlettDet er helt fantastisk å få slike ferske rapporter! Moro med bilde av den nye indiske vennen!
Bare vær så snill og ikke bli kidnappa eller bortført eller, eller, eller... Og lang,lang biltur, kjør forsiktig, please.. Sjåføren og selskapet, er de til å stole på?
A lot of karma in India I suppose... Hurra meg rundt, bra døkk kosa døkk jænto :)Kos døkk viar mæ privatsjåfør, snart legg døkk vel onde døkk India? Haha
SvarSlettLove from Oslo!
Herlig Live! :)
SvarSlettDere to altså, får selv India til å bli luksus! Burde vel nesten forventa det :D Høres ut som om dere har det tipptopp! Dere får jo sett og opplevd så mye!