Camel Safari

Sunset in the desert

Drama in the desert!

Waking up in the desert to the sunrise was a cold experience..
Right now I'm sitting in a small internett shop that belongs to our hotel. "The Royale Jaisalmer" (", you should check it out. Its wonderful, just as our last week has been. We were very excited to see what we had signed up for and to meet the driver we were spending 2 weeks in India with. Looking
back at the last 5 days there is no doubt in my mind that we made the right choice. Our driver, DP, is a great guy. He had been doing tours in Rajasthan for the last 10 years and double
s as a guide and answers all our (many) questions about what we see and India in general. He makes us feel safe on the road even though the traffic is crazy, and I think we have the only car in the whole of India with seatbelts in the back.. He
has introduced us to so many great people, family and friends. We've been to his uncles house in a small village and had chai (and been taken out for a ride on a camel with their neighbours!!), been dresses up in amazing traditional indian dresses by his "sister" and gone to a big babyshow
er indian style feeling like princesses. We'll post the photos later, it was quite something. We've also been to the sister's family who lives inside the for
t here in Jaisalmer and we almost feel like we are part of their family now. We like it so muc
h here we extended our stay here in Jaisalmer for 2 more nights.
There is so so much to tell, we'll get the photos out and write more later. Yesterday we actually spent the night under the stars in the dessert, with what felt like an unthinkable amount of stars above us. A little cold and very sandy, but so worth
There is so so much to tell, we'll get the photos out and write more later. Yesterday we actually spent the night under the stars in the dessert, with what felt like an unthinkable amount of stars above us. A little cold and very sandy, but so worth
it when the night sky and stars dissapear in a red, glowi
ng sunrise..
I could have gone on forever, but the main thing is that we are safe and LOVING India.We feel so lucky and my cheeks are actually hurting from smiling so much (and a little too much India sun ;) ).
Tomorrow we are off to Jodphur and new adventures. Hopefully more soon!
I could have gone on forever, but the main thing is that we are safe and LOVING India.We feel so lucky and my cheeks are actually hurting from smiling so much (and a little too much India sun ;) ).
Tomorrow we are off to Jodphur and new adventures. Hopefully more soon!

All the boys wanted to pose with us one and one taking pictures.
Our driver DP is on the far left.

Arti owns these beautiful dresses and showed everything! She is our source of information from a female point in an Indian world. Here with her 2nd daugther, Jiya!

Wow, everything sounds wonderful! Can't wait to see the photos!
SvarSlettOi, så moro! Tusen takk for at vi får høre fra dere! Det høres bare helt eventyrlig ut det hele! Tenk så spennende å få komme hjem til folk og treffe dem privat, og jeg tenker dere er helt nydelige i de indiske draktene.. Og å få sove under stjernene og møte soloppgangen, vad underbart!
SvarSlettHåper dere har tatt bilder av dere i de indiske klærne! Det høres ut som dere har det kjempekult:-D. Gleder meg til å se bilder:-D
SvarSlettSå løyle! Takk for at døkk blogge, veldig løyle å få følge mæ på kå døkk driv på mæ! :D kamelsafari og å sjå soloppgangen høyrtest ekstra kult ut... :)
SvarSlettHøres itte gæli ut detta her, får nesten sjå om vi må gjæra ein ni tyr teil imperiets juvel.
SvarSlettFantastisk jenter! :))
SvarSlettKoser meg med blogg, - kos dere videre!
Gamle tanter blir misunnlige. Detta høres bare helt helig ut. Kos døkk viderer. Vi gleder oss til mer!!
SvarSlettHerregud, så fine døkk va :)Både i deserten (høhø) å i draktein :)
SvarSlettVi har noe å lære om entusiasme og åpenhet her hjemme. Det indiske lynnet og gjestfriheten i forhold til fremmede minner meg om mine erfaringer i Nepal. Oppkledning i sari, bilkjøring, trafikk og ståk også.
SvarSlettSunset in the desert og Drama in the desert er flotte bilder.
God tur videre!
Høres herlig ut! Og så moro at dere faktisk blir kjent med noen indere!
SvarSlettÅ så fine bilder! Så moro å se! Tror dere er kjempeheldige!
SvarSlettMoro moro!! =D Flotte jinter i nydelige kjoler, og så moro å høre om ting dø gjør, og ikke minst folka dø treffer! Spent på å høre litt - en eller anna gang - om menn og kvinners syn på ting og hva de er opptatt av i India! :) Superspennende!