While daydreaming about our trip in Norway we read about the The Full Moon Party in Thailand. It's held on a beah off the east coast called Koh Phangan evey full moon. The 19th of march the moon was beaming in the sky and we had made our way down from Bangkok to join the celebratio, ns. We had left Bangkok 3 days earlier, spening 16 hours on buss (overnight) and another couple of hours on a ferry with huge waves. Fortunately it was soo worth it. Since the party attracks around 10 000 people almost all the hotels were full by the time we did our booking. Ended up paying a little more than we usually do, but having an air con bungalow right on the beach is not such a bad thing I suppose.. Especially not when we lived by night and slept by day when it's usually around 35 degrees!! We met a great bunch of people at our hotel, mostly english and irish. The latter giving us a good excuse to party it up on St. Patricks day on the 17th. The pool party at Coral Bungalows was another highlight so the days night we went out before the actual full moon were so much fun as well!
Seing as I never would have brought a camera to the party we don't have any photoes to show you.. Google it if you want, that gives you a pretty good idea. And I'll try to paint a little picture: The beach with lots of bars along, all with DJs playing different sort of music so everyone can get exactly what they want, people dancing everywhere covered in glowing neon body paint, the waves rolling in on the beach and the beautiful full moon above it all. Wow. The party kept going after the gorgeous sunrise and people were still dancing on the tables when I left sround 8 in the morning.. We'll never forget the full moon of 19th of March 2011!
The day after we left Phangan and took the ferry to Koh Tao, a smaller island known for its great diving. Sanna is doing her open water padi certificate and will be finished later today if eveything goes well. I did mine in Malawi years ago, so I did a refreshment course yesterday and enjoyed diving again so much! Soon we'll be able to do dives together which we are both looking forward to very much! The island is beautiful with white beaches, clear water and a huge crowd of young travellers just as us. We like it so much we might stay longer than we intended, and we're considering an advanced diving course. Its awesome, no other word will do!
Thats a lot of text (and sorry it's been a while since our last update, we've been far to busy having fun to have time to write :D) so here is a little photo selection from our last week!

Seing as I never would have brought a camera to the party we don't have any photoes to show you.. Google it if you want, that gives you a pretty good idea. And I'll try to paint a little picture: The beach with lots of bars along, all with DJs playing different sort of music so everyone can get exactly what they want, people dancing everywhere covered in glowing neon body paint, the waves rolling in on the beach and the beautiful full moon above it all. Wow. The party kept going after the gorgeous sunrise and people were still dancing on the tables when I left sround 8 in the morning.. We'll never forget the full moon of 19th of March 2011!
The day after we left Phangan and took the ferry to Koh Tao, a smaller island known for its great diving. Sanna is doing her open water padi certificate and will be finished later today if eveything goes well. I did mine in Malawi years ago, so I did a refreshment course yesterday and enjoyed diving again so much! Soon we'll be able to do dives together which we are both looking forward to very much! The island is beautiful with white beaches, clear water and a huge crowd of young travellers just as us. We like it so much we might stay longer than we intended, and we're considering an advanced diving course. Its awesome, no other word will do!
Thats a lot of text (and sorry it's been a while since our last update, we've been far to busy having fun to have time to write :D) so here is a little photo selection from our last week!
The lovely irish girls we met at our hotel painted us in neon, irish colours for St. Patricks day!
The beach right outside our bungalow at Power Beach Resort on Koh Phangan. It was a bit rainy by day but we ended up sleeping through most of the bad weather..
Nice to jump into the pool when the saltiness and sea weed of the ocean gets to you!
Koh Tao seen from the ferry. Left Phangan at 6.30 in the morning, had a great trip sitting right at the front of the boat enjoying the sun and clear early morning veiw.
Tired crowd after the crazy full moon party!
On the diving boat, Sanna's last day of open water course. Takes us to the different dive sites around the island. The instructors almost have more fun than we do, they are a crazy bunch :)

Sanna's diving course! (I'm sure she'll do a post dedicated to this will more detail later..)
Scuba Sanna all geared up!
To get to the island we went by buss from Bangkok to Surat Thani and then ferry out to Ko Phangan. Ko Tao is the smaller one further north where we are now!
And again, i'm jealous !! :D
SvarSlettDet ser utrolig fint ut, kunne godt tenke meg å ligge på en strand på ei øy i Thailand nå jeg og! :D .. skal drømme om deres varme dager i Thailand når jeg ligger i en snøhule og fryser neste uke ;D
Kos dere!
Ser ut som dere har det supert og artig med fullmånefest! Bra dere fikk feiret st. Patricks day og dere er superheldige som opplever dykkeeventyret!
SvarSlettKor artig! Thank you so much for sharing! De små bambushyttene på stranda ser jo bare så herlige ut! Og Sanna voldsomt proff ut i det utstyret! Du store mi tid!
SvarSlett- Bare ett ønske: kan dere klikke bildene opp i større størrelse? :)
Så artig å lesa! I <3 diving!! Blir glad tå å væta at dø koser dø med dykking på andre sida tå jorda! På tynset er det kalde og varme grader om hverandre for tide, og glatt som bare det.. Koselig å følge med på avstand! Stor klæm frå Mildrid
SvarSlettMoro! Jeg vil og dykke! Tusen akk for India-gaver forresten :D