I wanted to write this post for several days, there's so much to tell and i think many are excited about hearing about Pahn and her family in Thailand. I just want to write a couple of lines about the earthquake first. I think we can all agree that it seems we left Japan just in time (two days before it happened) but all the people we met are still there and the thought of it being so close certainly made an impressions on us. Everybody we know are fine, but affected of course, and its very strange to think about this very modern and very controlled nation in chaos and destruction. I can barely imagine it.
Now to more nice and less serious things. We've come to Thailand and again the contrast to Japan is huge. First of all WE'RE NOT COLD ANYMORE! over 30 degrees and HIGH humidity. I've never expericed such humidity before and its quite the experience to constantly walk around feeling sticky and sweaty. This however is just outside. Everywhere inside there aircondition to such extent I have feelt slightly cold here too.
Pahn and her sister Fiona came to pick us up from the airport and took us to Chon Buri (an hour south of Bangkok) where they live. (For those who might not know, Pahn was our thai exchangestudent, who lived with my family 08/09 in Norway). Fiona speaks very good English (she's live in the states for a year) and when we came back (rather tired from a VERY short night) we met Pahn's grandmother who lives with then, Pahns parents and Fionas fluffypuffy, loveydovey dog, Chon. (Åslaugs dog description). That evening we went and had a movely meal of fish and shirmps and mangosalad and rice and much more. Finishing the meal with coconutmilk icecream, yum. Pahn parent doesnt speaks much English but that doesnt stop them comunication with us and they have been ver kind.
I can possibly narrate about everythings we've done the last 5 days, (even though i kind of want to) so i will just give a few keywords from each days to give you all an idea and boost you jealusy a little more.
Wedensday: Beach, bathing, shopping mall (Assi bought a phone), Thaimassage and more tradional Thaifood
Thursday: Roadtrip! (got up at 7 am) Went to waterfalls with 3 of Pahns friends, almost 3 hours away. Bathing with fishes and natural spa. (Assi gets suntouched) Market in the evening.
Friday: All day at the beach, we've gotten to know Pahn best friend Book very well now. Ate lunch with family on the beachpromenade where Pahn other grandmother has a little dining restaurant. New market in the evening.
Saturday: Bangkok! But first the most dramatic haircut in my life! To Bangkok and went to a special weekend marked. Huge shoppingmall called Paragon with an amazing cinema on top finshed our evening. Fiona was at a concert and we were home by 1.am.
Today is Sunday and we've played badmington in the sun (at a time where only the white people are stupid enough to go out) and been to the mall. Åslaug cut her hair and I bought make-up to next weeks fullmoon party.
I loaded up many photos this time, and i hope you all enjoy! I have to start with a picture og my new cut (sorry forgot to turn it), Its good but a lot shorted than what i intended. So everybody can relax! I'm getting over the trauma now.

You can see the sceptims on my face on this photo though... yeah, not sure yet.

This is Pahns house. Its quite big in a very nice, quiet and safe neighbourhood. And they have great cars!

They gave us the room of Pahn's middle sister (her names is prononced Poh/På) And we sleep very comfortably in this big room with aircon.

This is from breakfast in their living room, this morning. From the left; Fiona, Assi, Poh, Daddy Somshit and Pahn.

Icecream the evening we arrived. Assi, Pahns dad, me, her mom and Fiona.

We ride bikes to the beach and the malls and averywhere around Chon Buri and this is going out for breakfast on the first day. Its taken in their driveway.

On the beach (10 min bike ride from Pahns house, I wanna call it Bang Saen). We got this big airtire to play with. Also, since this is a beach with more locals than tourists (i think i saw two other white people there) everybody bathes and swims with their clothes on. Their shorts and t-shirts.

Afterwords we enjoyed fresh fruit and cards in the shadow and beachchairs.

Sticky rice and mango has become Åslaug's salvation. Sticky rice is quite similar to rice porridge in Norway (risengrynsgrøt), and now Assi is forever dedicated to Thai cuisine.

Since I havent quite mastered the whole uploading photos to the blog thingie yet, this is a little out of place, but it a scene we passed in Bangkok and I love it.


We had to get a ride to another waterfall with Pahn's friends and hitchhiked with some dudes on the back of their pickup (dont worry mom it was not more than a couple of kilometers on some very safe and crowded roads, it would have been hard for them to abduct and rape us)

We visited the childrens school were Pahns mom works. Its a very nice school and literally right next to the beach.

Lunch at her grandmas on friday.

Trying to figure out we're we are on the unlikely huge marked in Bankok. Pahn on the let and Book on the right. Looks like they agree though

We'll finish off with a taste of Assi charming sunburn. You'll all be pleased to hear that by this time, 3 days later, the redness has turned into a very nice tan, even though its still rather white in the middle. We're having a great time! Its time for me to go to bed now.. Good night, and good luck.
FANTASTISK! Sole, strande, mangon, isen, å ikkje minst Pahn <3 Kos døkk viare!
SvarSlettJeg tror kanskje "Daddy Somshit" er det beste navnet i verden.
SvarSlettHerlig å lese om alt dere gjør. Bildene gir oss kjempe mye. Kan ikke si annet enn at vi har lyst på en tur vi og. Gleder oss til neste innlegg. klem fra tante og Anne Marthe
SvarSlettDette høres nydelig ut! Kontrastene til nyhetene fra Japan er enorme. Det er så flott at dere kan være hos Pahn og hennes familie. Hils så mye til dem fra meg, er dere snille! Hilsen Gunhild
SvarSlettArtig å lese om alt dere gjør! Hils Pahn så mye fra meg:-D
SvarSlettThaimat og badminton? Ja, takk.
SvarSlettDigger den nye frisyren din, Sanna!
Daddy Somshit tar kaka, faktisk.
Takk Synne, jeg venner meg til den nå.. og d vokser heldigvis ut igjen! hehe, litt trøtt når jeg skrev dette, men er selv fornøyd med Daddy Somshit:)
SvarSlettHei begge to! Synes det var mye koseligere og lese om det dere opplever enn å drive med mine litt mer kjedelige gjøremål.... nemlig å rydde. Dere må hilse Pahn så mye. Ha en fortsatt flott tur! Klem tante Dorthe
SvarSlettDet er så herlig det bildet av dere 2 småjentene øverst her! Også ser det så koselig ut når dere alle sitter og spiser frokost på gulvet hjemme i stua hos Pahn!