We simply must write a something short about the movie "Paul". Some of you might have heard or read or even seen this movie which is currently in the cinemas. We saw the movie in Byron Bay several weeks ago and we almost fell of the cinema chairs laughing. As you know, the two of us, Sanna and Åslaug, travelled around Australia in a campervan and, like a last minute decision our german friend Paul came with us. The van outlet we used was called Spaceships (our car's name's Potter). The movie "Paul" is about 2 british geeks who are doing a roadtrip around USA in a campervan, they almost crash into another car and there they meet Paul, an alien on the run. Paul ends up hitchhiking with these two geeks, Graeme and Clive, driving around with all the adventures that come their way. Now we couldn't help but see the similarities, between the two trios, us and the movie. We lived and drove the campervan everywhere, parking where we could, bbq-ing outisde, dancing in front of the van to the car stereo, just like the movie. Since we were so in the middle of it, we found it quite hilarious. Especially since Paul in the movie is an Ailien and we drove a spaceship at the time, the sentence "Paul, you can't even drive a spaceship!" became a classic quote during the rest of our trip.
I recommend everybody to see this movie and think of us. The language used is not the same, but similar and the humour and good mood the movie has, sure reflects our roadtrip as well!

Don't worry Paul, we're not going to make any further comments about resemblance. It doesn't do us any favours either ;)
I recommend everybody to see this movie and think of us. The language used is not the same, but similar and the humour and good mood the movie has, sure reflects our roadtrip as well!

Okay, maybe a little...
Team Potter: Its time to be awesome!
I'm really looking forward to checking out Paul when it hits Norwegian cinemas. Simon Pegg and Nick Frost have been among my favourites for years! I'll make sure to think of ye guys!
SvarSlettSå herlig! Kjempegøy å høre om, utrolig morsomt med de likhetene da, bare navnet! Vil prøve å få sett den og tenke på dere tre i team Potter!
SvarSlettSå gøy! Takker for filmtips:-D Denne må jeg få med meg
SvarSlettDet høres artig ut! Og endelig fikk jeg se et sidebilde av Potter!