torsdag 5. mai 2011

Fantastic Fraser and Beautiful Byron

Fraser and Byron

Down the eastcoast of Australia there is SO much to see. Magnetic Island, Withsundays and Fraser are just some of the most known spots and they all offer amazing trips with snorkelling, diving, breathtaking sights and good company. Its probably good value for the money but it still cost so much we didnt dare do any before we got to Fraser Island. Fraser Island is the biggest sand island in the world and only four wheel drives can drive there as the roads pretty much just consists of sand. We met these four random dudes who'd been there on a three day trip, and the light in their eyes and awe and enthusiasme in their voices soon convinced us that this was something we couldnt miss. A one day trip would be just affordable and give us a little taste of the Island. And what a taste! When we were buying the tickets we realised that its Easter the boat was filled with kids running around, easter chocolate and holiday spirit. The program of the day consisted of bath in lake Mackenzie, the clearest, softest and best tasting(!) water I've ever swam in (my hair has never been softer) a walk through the rainforest, lunch at one of the resorts and driving down island highway, the Beach. Its kind of funny seeing speed limit signs just stuck down in the sand. A ship wrecked on the beach a long time ago and thats still there, like a big lump of rust threathening to fall down on the children (and us) stupid enough to stick arms and heads through the old windows and openings. Its was an amazing day, the weather was perfect and running around the beach with Team Potter has made it one of my most fond memories on this roadtrip.

Straight from Hervey Bay and Fraser we had one nights stop in Noosa (a small surfers town where the rich meets the backpackers on the waves) and continues to Surfers Paradise where the rich pretty much just meet themselves. We met the two british girls, Julia and Rachel, that we met in Singapore there and seeing them again was great. Surfers Paradise was nice to see, but having skyscrapers on one side and an overcrowded beach on the other didnt really do it for us. We had our easter egg hunt sunday morning on the Surfers Paradise esplanade, and easter breakfast with eggs, salad and fresh bread on the grass next to the sidewalk where people had their Easter sunday morning stroll. Its was a perfect easter morning, and it was the morning we set off to Byron.

Noosa Main Beach, pretty crowded because of easter!

Our first surf spot! More floating around on a board getting used to the feeling than anything else...

Surfers paradise, skyskrapers meets the beach..

Easter egg hunt on the Esplanade!

Easter breakfast outside Potter.

Byron bay is legen- (wait for it) dairy among eastcoast autralia backpackers. The place for laidback packpackers who look to surf and party. And thats pretty much what we did. We did a day trip to Nimbin (the most hippie town you can imagine, its like the 70s raped that town and it never got over it) We went looking for some outback aswell but got lost in the rainforrest. In Byron "The Pass" is where all the real good sufers hang out. Everything from old, long bearded men to little girls with pigtails rides these waves with an air of easyness that we can only dream of. I enjoy padelling around on my board, feeling the excitement when a beautiful wave forms and falling/crashing into the water when trying to stand up. Its certainly a new experince and lets face it people, surfing is COOL! Our days in Byron dissapeard between rain, coffee and Cheeky Monkey's (a bar with no dancefloor just different leveled tables where youth from all over the world dance the night away). The aftersurf texmex burrito still lingers in our minds as we now make our way further south to the end of our roadtrip. A week in Sydney still remains, and we pray to the lords that the rain we've hade the last 3 days will stop (no fun being interrupted in the middle of breakfast outside in a parking lot by a shower that no umbrella or raincoat will keep you dry from.)

Live music and awesome sunset in Byron Bay.

Nimbin! Something quite different...

Potter all full of surfboards!

The Pass.

Paddling around waiting for waves.

A real windy day with pretty big waves. A little scary and cold!

Surfer Sanna!

I will honestly say that these last 17 days we travelled with Potter will be remembered with love and a smile, and Team Potter is talking about a eurotrip some summer to come. (FUn Fact: The distance we travel from Cairns to Sydney is like driving from Denmark to Greece in Europe!)

Team Potter!! All smiles on Fraser Island :)

6 kommentarer:

  1. Photos will arrive shortly, as soon as we get wifi that actually works! :)

  2. WHAT? Ha døkk kjørt så langt altså? Litt tå ein tur :)

    Løyle å høyre at du prøve å surfe værtfall, Sanna. Viss nordmenn æ fødd mæ ski på føtåm, æ vel australierein fødd mæ eit surfebrett :)

  3. Nok en interessant oppdatering! Fraser Island høres herlig ut, og så hyggelig at påsken ble markert både på den ene og den andre måten. Skipsvrak er superspennende, forresten! Kos dere med Sydney den kommende uka!

  4. For noen fantastiske bilder! Ser ut som dere har det supert og koser dere masse:-D!

  5. Denne kommentaren har blitt fjernet av forfatteren.

  6. Veldig morosamt! Eneste ønske er at bildene er større!
