Kids.. The entire fall that i've been planning and fantacising (yes i fantacise) about this trip i always promised myself that i wouldn't take too much stuff. Only the essentials! What other more experienced travellers and the guidebooks says we ought to bring. However, today when I was gathering all the essential equiptment that I've been told I must bring, I realised my backpack might be very heavy from the beginning.. I've taken a picture of some of the stuff thats listed on the different backlist that i've come across, and when i come back in six month, i call tell you what i actually really needed.. :)
Some things i realised quite early on that it might be unnecessary.. though i will miss them..

Sun lotion, aftersun and anti-bac. Not a shocker for anyone i'm sure.

Then it's the issue of choosing what i actually really need.. or which I want.
Now this, i regarded as essential, without any help from the guidebooks!
The books i've decided to bring yet are: my Indian guidebook (kindly given to me by my older brother this christmas) my diary, (it's impressive how quickly I forget things) and my "First time around the world" book, given by my very own travelpartner-in-crime. (Note that it's the FIRST time aorund the world.)

For those who are blessed with perfect sight you might not understand what it means to have to bring six months supplies of actual vision.. I can tell you it's not cheap..
The medical kit- every book has long list of how to cure all the diarrhea that they promise we'll get- and painkillers and
Then it's the issue of choosing what i actually really need.. or which I want.
Hihi, har en følelse av at rommet ditt ser omtrent ut som mitt om dagen.. Stabler med ja, NEI, kanskje ting som jeg har mer eller mindre lyst til å bære jorda rundt. Skal be Heidrun sjekke at jeg ikke har med parfymen min når jeg går ut døra hjemme, mens jeg fortsatt er sterk ;)
SvarSlettThe medical kit og alle solbrillene ser skikkelig ferieaktig ut:-D.Da får jeg sånn jorden rundt følelse.